Seminar of the White Paper for Assistive Technology - TA


"Deafblindness is the disability which "affects" the most the essence of the society because it takes to a distance imposed by the visual and auditory losses as well the impatience which is generated by the difficulties in communication. So, refers to deafblind persons the most feared condition by human beings: "loneliness". Alex Garcia - Deafblind Person.

My friends! With happiness I tell you that I participated of the Seminar of the White Paper for Assistive Technology which was held at Jaraguá Conventions. I am very happy because my work and my attitudes were highlighted by the ITSBrasil (www.itsbrasil.org.br) and so I was invited. Everybody knows that the forethought - the pressupposition - which falls on the conditions of a deafblind person is huge and often the opportunities are denied so deafblind people have few opportunities to collaborate.

But now the opportunities are real- although I was the only deafblind person present there - I dedicated myself as usual. My friends from ITSBrasil promoted everything for my communication - the main issue - so three young people were always there with me - two men and a woman - collaborating with me. They were great.

I can tell you that my participation was excelent. My reflections reverberated in the group works highlighting the need of assistive technologies for deafblind people.

And of course, there were many people I know, it is always good to meet them again.

The deputy Rosinha da Adefal, Isabel Maior, Rodrigo Rosso from the magazine Reação and Abridef, Anahi Guedes, Shirley Vilhalva, Antônio Borges, Romeu Sassaki. and many more...

And meet more people is even better...

Endrigo from TECE, and Reglete Positiva - fantastic reglete... (www.tece.com.br/painel/uploads/cat%C3%A1logo%20fevereiro%202013.pdf). My friends from the North, Northeast, Midwest, Southeast and South of Brazil - hard working people. And of course Yara Naí and Lucinda Leria, both from ITSBrasil. There were more than 150 guests, everybody supporting the assistive technologies.

The invitation:

"Dear Alex Garcia. We invite you to participate actively of the Seminars of the White Paper for Assistive Technology, because of your well-known work for better conditions of life of people with disabilities and in the area of assistive technology which will be held on June 10th and 11th, in São Paulo, capital city. Marisa Gazoti Cavalcante de Lima - President of ITSBrasil. Jesus Carlos Delgado García - Project Coordinator".

About the Seminar of White Paper for Assistive Technology:

It was a initiative of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Inovation (MCTI) and the Department of Science and Technology for the Social Inclusion (SECIS), through the National Council for Scientific and Technological department (CNPq), in partnership with the Institute of Social Technology (ITS BRASIL), for the preparation of the White Paper of Assistive Technology in Brazil.


"Dear Alex Garcia. You were invited to participate of the seminars mainly due your work and not because you are a deafblind person. However, your presence and active participation in the seminars certainly was a learning experience to all the persons present there who, like me, didn't have the opportunities to meet a deafblind person. As the person responsible for the organization of the accessibility at the event can say that at first your presence at the event was a challenge and at the end it was a great surprise. I searched information about the topic, I searched for entities of deafblind persons and I also searched possible assistive technologies to facilitate the communication and that at the same time could be hierd with project funds. I spent time imagining their needs and trying to find solutions for the barriers without trying to understand their abilities and potencials. I believe this is a common mistake when we are dealing with the unknown and it must be the main reason for the lack of opportunities for you in some seminars. At the end we talked, you told me what you needed and we immediately found solutions for them. At the event, when we met and I introduced myself to you by writing on the palm of your hand, I confess that I was touched when I saw how fast was our communication and that the barriers were once more smaller than I thought. Alex, congratulations for your participation in the seminar and thanks for the opportunity to work together ". Lucinda Leria from CNPq-MCTI / ITS Brasil.

"When I got the news that I would meet the deafblind Alex Garcia in the Seminars of the White Paper for the Assistive Technology, I was really excited to meet a person who have over com e all the difficulties to have his dreams come true. When I met you, I could learn more about the reality of deafblind persons in Brazil. After some seminars he talked and discussed about this reality which is ignored by almost everybody, I myself had never heard of a deafblind person before. According to him, what happens is a vicious circle in which the society ignores the needs and the existence of the deafblind persons and they, without any support, can't get out of their houses, but not Alex, who decided to fight for their rights. So, he is a fantastic human being who have opened the eyes of many people to the reality of deafblind persons". Endrigo, from TECE.

"Alex. I also loved to meet you, eventhough time was short to talk to you. As you, I really thought the seminar was interesting, with a big variety of profiles and knowledges. You are right when you point out the specific issues of the assistive technologies for deafblind persons, because it's not usual that other people know them. In my group, we concluded that govern should give all the equipaments for you all, mainly because the high costs of each one of them, which overload the family budget. On the other hand, the impact of these costs on the public budget is not big because the numer of deafblind persons is not so big. Your text reflects what you have been through in the event and your participation as an activist who is always ready to make clarifying interventions. Nothing to change. I hope to meet you again soon". Dra. Izabel Maior.

"Dear activist Alex Garcia: I had the pleasure to participate in the Seminar of the White Paper for the Assistive Technology on June, 10th, at the moment in which you used the microhone to express, in a clear, direct and forceful way your indignation face the terrible way the society in general and even the organized societies from the population with disabilities segment treat the existence of deafblind persons in Brazil. Your speech was thrilling and because of this, called the attention of the 150 participants who were present at the auditorium. I was sitting at the back row, I really could see and verify that everybody was surprised about you and paid a lot of attention to all your precious and precise words. I believe that everybody learnt a valuable lesson about the situation fo deafblind persons whose claims you were and you are a truly convincing spokesperson. Congratulations for your brave participation in the seminar! All the best!!!" Dr. Romeu Sassaki

To check some photos, access this link:


The best... Alex Garcia

Profile: www.agapasm.com.br/alexgarciaing.asp